
Friday, February 6, 2015

4 Month Check-up & Shots

The little monster is doing great and took his shots like a champ.  He cried, of course, but he was laughing and smiling by the end of the visit.

Also, he really is a monster; 75th percentile for weight, 90th for height.  That explains why he hangs off my lap when nursing.  Also, why he eats so damn much.

I was a bit disappointed that the community health nurse seemed to be rushing us toward the door.  I had a couple of things I really wanted to talk to her about: starting solids in a couple of months and my complete lack of control over my emotions.

Dr. Illegible had more time for us, but his recommendation re: solids was to talk to the public health nurse, as they have all the literature.  I lost my nerve and didn't bring up possible PPD.  And since I still have pregnancy brain, I forgot to get a new prescription for my thyroid meds (forgetting to take these might well be a contributing factor to my emotional state and - fun fact - my forgetfulness).

I was going to make this post a bit of a rant against the anti-vax movement, but I just don't have the energy right now.  LM has been fussing all day and is finally asleep, and I should at least attempt to tidy some stuff before he wakes up.

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