
Friday, January 12, 2018

Cracks in the Sidewalk

Dear Exceptional Child,

I won’t pretend that no one will ever love you like I do. One day, you’ll grow up - have friends, start a family, if you want to. And I believe those people will see what I see and they will love you for it. But right now, when you’re young and the world hasn’t gotten to know you yet, your Dad and I have the privilege of loving you the most.

You, my dear, are an odd duck, and as an odd duck, you may find parts of your young life difficult. 

People won’t always understand you. They won’t always be able to cope with your incessant stream of questions (Hell, I can’t always cope with it). They won’t always be able to look past the way you consistently refer to yourself in second person-or to them in first. They might resent the way you handle stress and never stop to appreciate the extraordinary amount of self-control you exhibit daily, in the face of discomfort they can’t imagine.

People might get hung up on your hang ups. Your refusal to eat certain (most) food, borne of sensory issues they know nothing about, might seem to them like the idle pickiness of an over-indulged child. Your need for space to breathe and time to consider might make you seem antisocial. They might never see what the big deal is, when it comes to cracks in the sidewalk.

Some people will never appreciate the wonderful way in which your brain works. They won’t be impressed by your ability to read, your numeracy skills, your penchant for languages, your wordplay or your interest in geography.

People may look at you and see only initials: OCD, ASD. If ADHD makes it onto that list one day, I won’t be even a little surprised.

But here’s the thing: while you will meet plenty of people who don’t get you, you’ll also meet people who do. People who know immediately that you’re someone special; people who recognize that while your extraordinary memory comes naturally to you, certain social behaviours do not; people who value your insatiable curiosity and boundless energy; people who appreciate your quirky sense of humour, your sly smile and your entirely unique outlook on life.

And while you go through your life, collecting understanding friends and kindred spirits, know that I see you.

I see you for who you are and I love you for who you are. Know that I will be your champion, in your corner, forever. 

Travel bravely and proudly through the world, my perfectly wonderful, odd little duck.

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